Restore hope to residents and change the culture of your institution

We offer resident-led leadership development programs & conferences behind prison bars.

Prison Cultures Desperately Need to be Transformed

In current culture, justice for victims means condemning the person in prison to a life of hopelessness for them and their families. However, this approach leads to escalating issues with behavior, increased risk of depression and suicide, and struggles with adapting to life upon release.

Changing the culture of your entire institution begins when you bring hope to those behind bars and inspire them to make changes that will alter the trajectory of the rest of their lives.  

Residents want to be

Transform the culture by empowering the resident

Understanding how their lived experiences have led them to their current situations.


To help them become strong leaders capable of living purposeful lives today.


Ultimately helping them emerge as thriving members of society tomorrow.


Our approach TO bring hope to prisons

Global Leadership Academy

We’re seeing hope restored to residents and their families, and entire prison cultures change dramatically when residents are invited into an active process of leadership development.

Through the success of the Global Leadership Academy at the Algoa Correctional Center, the impact of leadership development in prison has proven to be highly effective in helping to inspire men with the will to take responsibility for life itself.

Resident-led Initiatives
World-class Leadership Content
Lasting Change

Prison Leadership Conference

In May 2024, the Prison Leadership Conference was born to help all in attendance understand the Global Leadership Academy better by experiencing its effects for themselves.

Currently, our annual gathering is hosted at Algoa Correctional Center for those who deeply care about the incarcerated to enjoy a day of learning and inspiration.

Symposium-style event inside a prison
Networking, education, and inspiration 
Unique experience of leadership & community

Post-Release Resources 

The story doesn’t end with “happily ever after” once residents walk out the door. For many, they’ll encounter harsh realities and unexpected challenges that tempt them to relapse or return to old toxic behaviors and relationships. 

However, for those who have been a part of the Global Leadership Academy as residents, these challenges also present new opportunities to continue the journey of servant leadership upon release. 

We extend support to ease this transition with resources like: 

Assistance with housing and/or microloans
Peer Support Specialist Certifications
Connection to paying positions

Let’s continue the conversation

If you, like us, believe incarcerated individuals deserve a better future, let’s talk. Together we can help them begin a fresh start to the rest of their lives and change prison culture from the inside out.