Changing prison culture from the inside

Explore our human-centered approach to prison programs focused on lasting change.

✓ Empowering REsidents

✓ Transforming Prison Culture

✓ Restoring Human Dignity

Prison programs shouldn’t feel transactional

It’s clear that worksheets and lectures aren’t enough to transform the hearts, minds, or souls of the vast majority of people who serve time behind bars. 

Programs will continue to be ineffective as long as they don’t take into account that we’re dealing with a population of individuals who were themselves victims before they were offenders.

of incarcerated individuals are victims of childhood trauma. Urban Institute, 2022

 of prisoners re-arrested within 10 years. U.S. Department of Justice, 2021

of Corrections and Reentry programs that attempt to reduce recidivism are rated as “effective.” U.S. Department of Justice, 2018

If we want a better future for them, it’s time for us to change our approach.

We strive to make broken people whole

At Second Mountain, we believe that transformational change for our communities begins when we help make people better– a process that can begin today– for those currently living behind bars.

We do it by facilitating an ongoing process of leadership formation– that simultaneously teaches practical life skills that can be put into practice immediately while equipping participants to become productive members of society upon re-entry. 

Our approach brings hope to prisons

The Global Leadership Academy

Second Mountain's preliminary focus is to seed our resident-driven, strengths-based leadership training program (the GLA) within prisons to help facilitate rehabilitation.

Prison Leadership Conference

Our annual symposium-style event is held inside the Algoa Correctional Center in Jefferson City, MO.

Mission Partner Opportunities

Our efforts depend upon the generosity and support of those who believe incarcerated individuals can become more than the worst mistake they’ve ever made.

“The path to the Second Mountain is paved with self-reflection and self-discovery.”

— David Brooks, from his book Second Mountain

 How to get involved

Contact Us

Whether your loved one is in prison or you want to explore a new approach to rehabilitation within your own institution, let’s begin a conversation.


We’ll make a plan

We’ll help you start a Global Leadership Academy at your institution or invite you to attend our next Prison Leadership Conference.


Let’s change the outcome

So you can deploy our programs and resources to enable a better future for incarcerated individuals across the country.


More than just another prison “program”...

Prison residents long to be seen as more than their worst mistake. They need their time behind bars to be a fresh start to the rest of their lives

I know this is possible because I lived it. 

In 2017, I was sentenced to seven years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. Because I love my wife, Abby, and daughter, B, more than anything, I was determined to work diligently in prison to maintain a caring relationship with my family, while seeking ways to emerge a better person.